2-Days Workshop on “IoT using Arduino”
Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Computer Society of India Student’s Branch has organized the 2-days workshop on “IoT using Arduino” on 28th and 29th of April 2022.

(Welcome of Resource Person Dr. M. R. Sanghavi)
The workshop was started with the warm welcome of resource persons - Dr. Mahesh R. Sanghavi (Vice-Principal, SNJB College of Engineering, Nashik), Mrs. Kainjan M. Sanghavi Head, Department of CSE, SNJB College of Engineering, Nashik), Mr. Rajiv R. Bhandari (Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE, SNJB College of Engineering, Nashik) and Dr. Khyati R. Nirmal (Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE, SNJB College of Engineering, Nashik) by Mr. Rahulsingh G. Bisen, CSI Co-ordinator & Asst. Prof, Dept. of CSE. CSI Council members of B.Tech CSE, Pratik Sanjaykumar Sonwane (President), Pratiksha Nandkumar Suryawanshi (Secretary), Soham Sujit Kanchalwar (Treasurer), Nilesh Prakash Walve (Technical Head) and Rutuja Kacharudas Damkondwar (CSI Magazine Head 1) were the volunteers and the organizers of the event.
A total of 50 students from TYCSE and SYCSE participated in the workshop. Participants were divided into two batches, and the batches were further divided into groups of five students in each. The purpose of this workshop was to provide students with a hands-on experience of the new technology "Internet of Things".
The first day began with the introduction of IoT. This session covered the history, strengths, weaknesses, and applications of IoT. Then the basics of the Arduino kit were covered, after which the session continued with hands-on training using various sensors. Participants learned how to integrate various sensors using Embedded C with an Arduino kit and also implemented the first project.
The second day began with an introduction to cloud computing, where the participants were introduced to a variety of cloud service applications and Raspberry Pi. Participants learned the basics of WLAN modules and the connectivity of data and the cloud. They also carried out several projects on IoT.
The event was organized by the CSI Students Council under the guidance of respected Director, Dr. Mrs. Geeta S. Lathkar, Student’s Branch Counsellor & Head of the Computer Science and Engineering Department, Dr. Archana Rajurkar and CSI Co-ordinator Mr. Rahulsingh G. Bisen. The event received a good response and active participation from many students.

(Glimpses of the Workshop)
BLIND C 2022
Department of Computer Science and Engineering and CSI Student’s Branch organized a BLIND C coding competition on 26th March 2022. BLIND C is a competition organized for students to enhance their coding skills and find out the best among them. The rules of Blind C were simple - the participant had to type the code with the monitor switched off and who had successfully completed the code in less time was declared as the winner. Firstly, students were assigned labs and told to sit as per their current pursuing year in Labs 7, 8, and 9 of the Computer Science & Engineering department. CSI council members were given the responsibility to manage and check all the PCs before the competition began. A variety of C program statements were distributed among students and after a systematic check of the keyboard, monitors were turned off. At 3:30 PM sharp the timer was set and the students were instructed to start coding and raise their hands after they have finished. The finishing time of each student was noted to evaluate his/her code. Along with it, the number of errors (if any), partial execution, full execution, and time taken by the participant were also noted for evaluation. CSI’s technical head was given the responsibility to compile, run and provide a sample input to check the correctness of the code. A total of 44 students participated in the competition, out of which 2 students successfully executed the code without any error. After the competition CSI treasurers, Soham S. Kanchalwar & Tushar G. Joshi and CSI co-ordinator, Mr. R. G. Bisen gave a brief introduction of CSI, CSI college-level committee, CSI magazine and fees structure for becoming CSI members for all academic years. The event was successfully conducted under the guidance of Dr. A. M. Rajurkar, Student Branch Counsellor & Head (Department of CSE), and Dr. Mrs. G. S. Lathkar, Director.
Winner and Runner up of Blind C:
Vinay Kalwale – TY IT (Winner)
Nagesh Kharat – FY CIVIL (Runner-up)

Some images of the event
2-Days Workshop on “Network Programming using Python”
Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Computer Society of India Student’s Branch had organized the 2-days workshop on “Network Programming using Python” on 23rd and 24thMay 2022.
The workshop began with the warm welcome of resource person Mr. Malhar Lathkar (Author, Programming Technologies Trainer, Freelance E-Learning Content Developer, IT, and Software Consultant) by Dr. Archana Rajurkar, Student’s Branch Counsellor & Head of the Computer Science and Engineering Department. Dr. M. Y. Joshi, Asst. Prof, Dept. of CSE was the organizer of this workshop. CSI Council members of B. Tech CSE, Pratik Sanjaykumar Sonwane (President), Pratiksha Nandkumar Suryawanshi (Secretary), Soham Sujit Kanchalwar (Treasurer), Nilesh Prakash Walve (Technical Head) and Rutuja Kacharudas Damkondwar (CSI Magazine Head 1) were the volunteers.
After the inauguration, Dr. Archana Rajurkar and Dr. M. Y. Joshi gave a speech on the importance, need, and future benefits of Network Programming & Python language. All students from TYCSE and TYE&TC participated in the workshop. The purpose of this workshop was to provide students with hands-on experience in "Network Programming using Python".
The first day commenced with the installation and setup of python. Then fundamentals of python programming along with Network Programming concepts like socket fundamentals, multithreading etc. was covered. The second day began with hands-on implementation of network programming concepts using the Python programming language like HTTP Protocol methods, request module etc.. All students learned new things and gave good feedback about the session and our resource person.
The event was organized by the CSI Students Council under the guidance of respected Director, Dr. Mrs. Geeta S. Lathkar, Student’s Branch Counsellor & Head of the Computer Science and Engineering Department, Dr. Archana Rajurkar and CSI Co-ordinator Mr. Rahulsingh G. Bisen. The event received a good response and active participation from many students.

(Glimpses of the Workshop)