Congratulations to Krishna Suratwala, Tushar Gathewar, Yadnesh Vinchurkar, Ambrish Udgirkar, Ambika Gangawar, and Sakshi Tombre
Congratulations to Krishna Suratwala, Tushar Gathewar, Yadnesh Vinchurkar, Ambrish Udgirkar, Ambika Gangawar, and Sakshi Tombre for being shortlisted for the Grand Finale of SIH 2024 in the Student Innovation category. Their topic in this category is "Intelligent Biomonitoring and Assistance System for Astronauts' Space Suit."
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It's always been a matter of pride to be called the MGM student, the nostalgia,
the memories and those days...aha! I
can still feel them, smell them...
Mukund Sarsar
B.E. Mech
Major, Indian Army
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