Other :
Other Activities:
Worked as Technical Assistant for Two-Week ISTE Workshop on ‘Database Management Systems’ conducted by IIT Bombay from 20th May to 31st May, 2013.
Participated in Half-Day ISTE Workshop on ‘Green Building Awareness’ conducted by IIT Bombay on 24th August, 2013.
Worked as A-VIEW Coordinator for Two-Week ISTE Workshop on ‘Signals & System’ conducted by IIT Kharagpur from 02nd January to 12th January 2014.
Worked in Two-Week ISTE Workshop on ‘Computer Programming’ conducted by IIT Bombay from 16th June to 21st June 2014.
Worked in Two-Week ISTE Workshop on ‘Computer Networking’ conducted by IIT Bombay from 30th June to 5th July 2014.
Worked in Two-Week ISTE Workshop on ‘Cyber Security’ conducted by IIT Bombay from 10th July to 20th July 2014.