Considering the importance of Intellectual Property Rights and in the interest of legitimacy of research and development work being carried out in the institute, a committee headed by the Director has been formed which consists of senior professors from each Department.
Sr. No.
Dr. G. S. Lathkar
Dr. S. L. Kotgire
Electronics & Telecommunication
Dr. A. M. Rajurkar
Professor & Head
Computer Science & Engineering
Dr. M. G. Harkare
Mechanical Engineering
Dr. D. V. Pattewar
Professor & Head
Civil Engineering
IP Cell Activities
Expert Lecture to faculty on “Intellectual Property Rights”
Mr. V. L. Dharurkar , on 5th October 2016
We have organized an expert lecture on Intellectual Property Rights by Mr. Dharurkar, on 5th October 2016. In the day to day world, it is very important to promote intellectual property licensing practices, particularly, with a view to foster creativity, innovation and the transfer and dissemination of technology to developing countries and least developed countries. He expressed in his seminar that in today’s globally competitive environment, intellectual property has placed itself on a pedestal in the context of economic growth and is becoming increasingly important. Intellectual Property is the fuel that powers the engine of prosperity, fostering invention and innovation. The increasing significance of intangible assets in the global economy is forcing business organizations to actively manage their IP as a key driver for building and sustaining their competitive advantage and achieving superior performance.

Mr. V. L. Dharurkar addressing teaching faculties

Mr. V. L. Dharurkar with participants
Expert Lecture to faculty on “Intellectual Property Rights”
Mr. B. M. Naik , on 15th September 2012
We have organized an expert lecture on Intellectual Property Rights by Mr. B.M Naik, on 15th September 2012. The main focus of this seminar was to promote the creation, protection & enforcement of the Intellectual Property Rights amongst undergraduate students. In this world, those who have the creative minds and ability should feel assured that not only their efforts have been duly recognized but it is secured in a specified manner. It is also important to promote intellectual property licensing practices, particularly, with a view to foster creativity, innovation and the transfer and dissemination of technology to developing countries and least developed countries. India should share its IP for the 5 betterment of other nations as done in the past. He expressed in his seminar that in today’s globally competitive environment, intellectual property has placed itself on a pedestal in the context of economic growth and is becoming increasingly important. Intellectual Property (IP) is the fuel that powers the engine of prosperity, fostering invention and innovation. The increasing significance of intangible assets in the global economy is forcing business organizations to actively manage their IP as a key driver for building and sustaining their competitive advantage and achieving superior performance.