Total station
Auto level
Plane table
Dumpy level
Prismatic compass
Cross staff
Optical square
List of Practicals:-
Measurement of bearing of sides of a closed traverse & adjustment of closing error by Bowdichmethod.
To locate points using radiation & intersection method of plane tabling.
Two point problem by graphical method / three point problem by Bessels graphical solution.
To determine difference in elevation between two points using reciprocal leveling & determine collimation error.
Measurement of area of a irregular figure by a planimeter/ digital planimeter.
Study & use of minor instruments.
Measurement of horizontal angle by repetition and reiteration method using theodolite.
Measurement of vertical angle using theodolite.
Study of Total Station, traversing using a total station.
Determination of tacheometric constants for the theodolite.
Determination of horizontal distance & RL of points by tachometric observations with horizontal & inclined line of sight & vertical staff.
To set out simple curves using linear methods - Perpendicular offsets from long chord.
To set out simple curves using linear methods - Perpendicular offsets from long chords produced.
To set out simple curves by using Rankine’s deflection angles method.
Satellite station and reduction to centre.
Project work :
Block contouring.
Highway Project.
Theodolite traverse survey.
Project work shall be conducted in the field outside the institute premises and shall be based on the Adjustment of a Geodetic Quadrilateral / Geodetic triangle without central station.
Tacheometric contouring.
List of Practicals conducted :-
Measurement of bearing of sides of a closed traverse & adjustment of closing error by Bowdichmethod.
To locate points using radiation & intersection method of plane tabling.
Lab Photographs:-