Course Conducted :
TECSE- Semester-I Operating System
SECSE/IT- Semester-I Data Structures
SECSE- Semester-I Discrete Mathematics
SECSE& IT- Semester-I&IIOOPs with C++
SEIT Semester-I Discrete Mathematics
TEIT Semester-I Theory of Computations
TEIT Semester-IICompiler Constructions
BEIT Semester-I E-Commerce
BEIT Semester-IIBusiness Economics and Management
BEIT Semester-I OOMD
Other :
Teaching/Technical Assistant/VSAT Coordinator Two Week ISTE Workshop on Effective Teaching/Learning of Computer Programming Conducted by IIT Bombay. 14th – 24th Dec., 2009.
Assistant Chief Superintendent, SRTMU University Exams held in Dec/Jan-2010-2011.
CAP officer , SRTMU Nanded,Winter ,2012-13
Coordinator, Academic Cell Coordinator, July 2011to till date– Present
Test Incharge, Department of Information Technology
Coordinator, Final Year Academic Projects , 2011-12.
Class Incharge,Seminar Incharge,TPO,Timetable Incharge
Coordinator, Internal and External Examination incharge.
Working as Head of Department of IT in absence of the Department Head.
Member of 'Panel of Examiners'of IT of SRT Marathwada University, Nanded. As a Member performed University Exam Paper Setting, Assessment & Moderation.
Prepared Syllabus of different Undergraduate courses in Information Technology.
2-WeekISTE Workshop on ‘Effective teaching/learning of Computer Programming’ at MGM’s College of Engineering, Nanded, 14th-24th Dec, 2009.
4-Day Workshop and Training on ‘IBM SEED Program’ at MGM’s College of Engineering, Nanded. 11th-14th June, 2013.
2-Week ISTE Workshop on ‘Database Management Systems’ conducted by IIT Bombay, at MGM’s College of Engineering, Nanded. 21thMay.-31stMay, 2013.
Wipro Mission 10x Learning Approach Workshop, at MGM’s College of Engineering ,Nanded. 28th Nov. – 2th Dec., 2011.